Lions get the old chain gang back together

May 26, 2022

More than 250 cyclists joined the Great Selby Bike Ride - the first event since the pandemic.

Steve Cooper, one of the organisers, said the event - organised by the Elmet Lions - went really well and everyone enjoyed the day. He said: “From the riders to the marshals, everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable day and they all said they would come back again. “There were 260 riders in total, which isn’t a massive amount but it was our first attempt and we would expect an increase in numbers next year. Post-Covid and after a two year gap, we were happy with that number. “We intend to run the ride again next year.”

The Great Selby Bike Ride attracts hundreds of cyclists from far and wide. The race has been taken over by the Elmet Lions, a cycling group based in Sherburn. It was previously run by the Selby Lions, which has now disbanded. The race took place on May 22, and there were two circular courses, both starting from Barlby High School - one being 45 miles and one being 25 miles. There was an entry fee of £10 which helps with the organisation and financing of the race, and participants raised donations which have been split between four charities in the area. They are: Martin House, the British Heart Foundation, Macmillan Cancer Support and St Leonard’s Hospice in York. Steve added: “We’ve got a commitment of £2,000 in fundraising for our charities, and the fundraising won’t close for another week. “There were 60 riders who signed up on the day and so we’ll be asking what they raised, as they won’t have done any prior fundraising.” For more information, visit: A Just Giving page has been set up where donations can be contributed.

Selby Cycle Club in the club kit. (25-05-17 SU)

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